Here is how to add/ amend you services and prices.

  1. From the menu, select 'Services'
  2. Next to your specialists name, you will see a drop down arrow button. Select this, then select 'Edit Prices/ Services'

Edit prices sports injury fix

  1. New services can be added via Add a Service
  2. When naming a service then all Services need to have a unique name e.g. Sports Massage 30 mins, Double Follow Up Session.
  3. Service Duration is the time in minutes
  4. Price is in £
  5. Payment Preference depends on the plan you are on but allows an option to vary this per service. E.g. To request full payment for initial consultations but deposits for follow up appointments. 
  6. Online Only - If ticked this then shows the URL/ID box and optional password. If you have not set up video conferencing already then Zoom is a free service that is widely known and easy for clients to use just via a URL.
  7. Visibility
    1. Public means the public can see and book these services
    2. Therapist Only means only the user can see these as options to book clients in with
    3. Disabled - means no longer used.
  8. You also have the option to add a description for online bookings. For example, under 'Initial Consultation' you may wish to add 'This service is for those of you who have not seen me before for a treatment'. This has a 100 character limit.
  9. Save before you exit
  10. Once you have your services set up you can then assign custom emails to each service to be automatically sent to clients and templates as well.