You may create a client in error or you may have a request to delete a client's details so how do you do it. 

Under Clients then find the client name and select More on the right hand button. 

As per the image below then select Archive.

Please note: A warning will flash up allowing you to understand the implications of what you are doing. The action is irreversible so please be sure you are confident it is the right person and you wish to undertake that action.

It will anonymise the client record and delete all client notes associated with it. Any invoices, bookings etc will still exist but show as anonymised.

If you wish to keep details for your legal record you may wish to consider changing the name to something non identifiable and not sensitive but it allows you to retain the full records. If in doubt please seek the advice of your insurer and or that of a GDPR lawyer if you feel you wish to.