There may be an occassion where your rota is showing incorrectly to clients.

This article gives you a step-by-step guide of the key areas to check, and this will hopefully resolve any incorrect hours.

  1. Please check that the hours are set correctly under 'Users', then 'Rota/Hours'
    1. Please also ensure that you have no 'Ad-Hoc Rotas' set for that week in this same menu
  2. If these are correct, then please note that specific hours (e.g. if you have 9-10 as available, then 10-11 set as unavailable in the rota menu), will be impacted by the service times of your appointments, and by the buffer time
    1. So if you are setting specific slots for booking that are an hour long, you'll need to ensure none of your appointments times are over 60 minutes, and ensure that you have the buffer time set to zero. The buffer time can be changed in 'Services' then click the 3 dots next to your name, click 'Edit Profile' and finally click the 'booking preferences' tab
  3. Under the 'Booking Preferences' tab, you'll need to also ensure you have your 'What times do you want your appointments to be bookable by clients' set correctly too. For example, if you have specific slots that are 10-11, and 11.30-12.30, then having this set to 'Bookable on the hour' will mean that an 11.30 slot will not show. You'll need this set to 'Bookable every 30 minutes'
  4. If you have a 'Buffer Time' set, then the last slot of the day in 'Rota/Hours' will need to have the buffer time added to it. So for example, if your last slot finishes at 7pm and you have a 30 minute buffer time, you'll need to have your availability open until 7.30pm to cater for the buffer time
  5. Finally, if you are using the 'Rooms' functionality, please remember that the rota/hours is set through 'Business' then 'Rooms'

If you are still having issues, please contact us on where one of the team will be able to help.