Episodes allow you to group your notes into 'Episodes of Care', labelled on the site as 'Episodes'. 

This allows you to be clearer around a course of treatment for a particular injury, including detail on when this started, when this ends, and what the outcome measures were.

Episodes will allow you to have greater control over your notes, with easier/ quicker access to each injury. It will also allow you to monitor outcomes with greater control. 

Here is how to use.

When a new client books in, or you book a new client in, a new 'Episode' is created. You can also create a new episode by heading into the 'Client Notes' and selecting 'New Episode'. You simply name the episode, and this is then created. If this is an existing client, then any new booking/ notes will be added to the latest open episode.

- Each note added is then assigned to the latest 'open' episode.

- When you 'close' the episode, then a new episode will be created with any new booking/ notes added to this latest episode.

- To 'close' an episode, head into 'Edit Episode' and select 'close'.

- You can move any note by selecting 'Assign Episode' on the note, and then selecting which episode you want this note to appear in. 

- To view old notes, click the patients name in the top left hand corner.

On the client notes, you will then see all episodes in the left hand menu. You can go into each episode and find all the notes associated with that episode of care. 

If you are an existing member, and wish to continue to have all your notes listed under one heading, then simply do not 'close' the episode, and all notes will appear under than particular episode.

Finally, you have the option to give a therapist within your business access to either 'Read' or 'Write'/ Edit' an episode of care for a particular patient (if you have restriced sharing on). 

Simply click 'Edit Permissions' at the bottom left of the screen for the 'Episode' and you can type the therapists email, then select either Read or Write. You can remove these permissions too if you need to. If there therapist is not part of your business, then it will not allow you to give permission.