Undertaking this action allows Sports Injury Fix to obtain a 'subscription' to your 10to8 calendar, meaning it can read the entries and display them in your Sports Injury Fix calendar, blocking out times that you are busy. This time will show as 'busy' to customers looking for appointments.

It also allows you to 'subscribe' to your Sports Injury Fix calendar so events are imported into your 10to8 Calendar.

  1. Login to your Sportsinjuryfix.com business dashboard
  2. Select Business from the menu on the left then Calendar
  3. Select Connected Calendars button at the top
  4. Copy the URL listed under your Sports Injury Fix URL
  5. In 10to8 go to set up then calendar sync
  6. Select activate calendar sync
  7. When prompted then copy the Sports Injury Fix URL
  8. Pick which calendars should sync into 10to8 and which calendars you want to sync to. 
  9. Under "Configure Calendar Sync" you will be able to see all the calendars you have in your different accounts.
  10. Tick the Sync <calendar provider name> appointments into 10to8 under the calendar you want to sync. You now also get the option to pick if you want to sync busy times or all appointment information.
  11. Tick the "Sync 10to8 appointments into <calendar provider name>" under the calendar you want to sync appointments into.
  12. Copy the 10to8 ical URL and paste this into your Sports Injury Fix calendar.
  13. Further information if required can be found on the 10to8 support pages https://support.10to8.com/integrations/calendar-sync 

We request the data every minute from your 10to8 calendar to ensure the data is as up to date as possible. 

N.B. 10to8 have advised that the sync should take place everytime there is a change in either calendar. However to further reduce the risk of double bookings you are sent email confirmations for new Sports Injury Fix bookings and your Sports Injury Fix calendar will always be the most up to date record.

Please note it can take up to 24 hours for the first sync to happen.

If at any point you require extra assistance, please raise a support ticket and we’ll be happy to help.